CU Surprise Work in progress 12-19/10 2024 Finissage Sat 19/10 at 12-16

Creativity Unlimited (CU) is an artistic business that stands on several legs. We run Gallery cu@uddenberg in Gothenburg where we primarily exhibit painting and sculpture. The gallery is our physical space. But we also have an idea-based activity that sometimes takes physical expression.
CU works on the idea that art in all its forms can influence people in a positive way. People are drawn to aesthetics, and aesthetics make us more empathetic people. With our activities, we therefore want to seek ways to build a more empathetic world through an aesthetic approach.
CU has previously carried out a number of spectacular projects in Gothenburg, including in the old SIBA premises in what is once again the “Göta” cinema at Götaplatsen. We have also drawn attention to the urban space with the help of Max Streicher’s inflatable sculptures.

A call for empathy
A Call for Empathy is an ongoing project in which Creativity Unlimited seeks ways of mutual respect and dialog through empathic approaches.
In a rapidly changing world, CU asks the questions:
– How do we want our lives and our world to evolve?
– How do we build a more human future?
Applied Aesthetics is our tool to address these questions while striving for empathy and inclusion.

Random Tactility
Random tactility is an applied form of aesthetic communication. The idea is that physical contact with different materials opens us up to a more empathetic way of encountering our surroundings and our fellow human beings – both as a society and as individuals.
Materiality and tactility, i.e. the ability to feel, touch and experience the objects around us, play a major role in how we perceive our surroundings and how we interact with each other. Through Random Tactility, Creativity Unlimited strives to develop different forms of encounters with different kinds of materials, but also artistic expressions.

Aesthetic communication
Aesthetic communication is Creativity Unlimited’s vision of art’s ability to create space for inclusive and respectful encounters on a democratic and empathetic basis.
Art cannot change the world, but art can make us feel the world. The contact with art through the eye, the ear, the hand, the heart – creates a transformative experience that can enable us to see things from new perspectives.
CU Surprise October 2024 is created by Danette Quartey, Charlotta Heurlin and Uncas Rydén. The sound/music for the exhibition is by Niklas Rydén.